Välkommen Anton
Vi är glada att Anton Buschek flyttat till Göteborg efter sommaren. Anton är 19 år i år och kommer från Wien. Han har redan hunnit med några tävlingar och 25-manna.
#gmokgents #orientering @goteborgmajornaok
Vi börjar med att fråga Anton var han kommer ifrån (svenska får vi ge honom lite mer tid att lära sig). ”I grew up in the centre of Vienna and have lived there for 19 years. My family, especially my dad, was always very ambitious about sports in general and took my bigger brother, my smaller sister and me to all kinds of sport clubs.”, börjar Anton berätta.
Han fastnade för cykling ganska tidigt och sedan löpning. Anton fortsätter och säger ”I always had a talent for endurance sports, that’s why my brother and I winded up in cycling, more precisely in cross-country mountain biking and later on track cycling. After some years my brother got into road cycling, and I started running for a Track and Field team. But in some way, I never really felt completed in “just running”.”
Orientering var något som han fastnade för genom skolan redan när han var 13 år och sen visade han en snabb utveckling. ”That’s when I discovered orienteering with 13. It was the perfect combination of mental challenge and running. At first, I just started running school-orienteering competitions but soon I decided that I want more. That’s when I joined my home-club Naturfreunde Wien and joined the Austrian National Team. Shortly after I made my first international competitions at EYOC and JWOC.”
Nu är Anton inriktad på att ta nästa steg i sin utveckling och har både tränare och förutsättningar i Göteborg att sikta mot JVM nästa år. ”Fortunately, I have also found a personal-trainer, Claudia Bonek the mother from Jannis Bonek, who is doing all the planning for the trainings and analysing the competitions with me together. I really enjoy training in general and now my next goal is to prepare myself for the JWOC 2024 in the Czech Republic and get used to Scandinavia forests, as it is very important for an elite orienteer to also know how to run in these kinds of forests.“
Anton vill gärna träna med andra juniorer och trivs redan bra i GMOK. ”Gothenburg was just the perfect possibility for me to combine my intentions of succeeding at the next JWOC, uphill training, a large variety of orienteering maps and training with one of the best in my age. That’s also the reason why I chose GMOK over other clubs, because of the very strong and big Junior Team with whom I can compare and match myself at the trainings and local competitions. It is a perfect environment for training and learning. In my free time I really enjoy going for a sunny afternoon ride on my road bike and hiking with friends.”
Herrcoachen Viktor hälsar Anton välkommen och säger att ”Anton kommer få alla möjligheter att utvecklas i vårt starka junior/senior team och det ska bli kul att se honom framåt våren på stafetterna”.
Varmt välkommen Anton! /Ola Wallinder